Over the past month, I’ve been sharing prompts for our One Month of Magic Writing Challenge—which explores the magic within us, helping us become closer to who we want to be.
The truth is: No one person or life is more magical than the next—only more practiced. The more you believe, the more magic appears. Keep believing and watch your life change. What most don’t realize is that your presence, your power, is all the proof you need. You—and you alone—make your own magic.
Some days are easier than others. Some days, I have to convince myself that the magic is still there, waiting for me; it is just muddied by insecurity, doubt, and all those other energy-suckers. Ten years ago, I heard a quote by Chani Nicholas that changed me. “I break all spells that keep me asleep to my own magic.”
During this month, we will break the spells that make us doubt ourselves, our magic, and our power. We will tell the universe what we want loudly and audaciously. We will cast and conjure to write a new story and reclaim every ounce of our sparkle and shine.
Like magic, joy is not spontaneous. It is a choice, a decision we make daily, to commit to a mindset where we are on the receiving end of inspiration and gratitude. If we can see the light in even the dullest, darkest hallways, we will always find a door.
Join the Magic!
Prompts (available to ALL subscribers)
Day One: Invite the Magic In
Day Two: Tell the Universe What You Want
Day Three: The Time of Your Life
Day Four-Seven: Live the Magic
Day Eight: Break the Spell
Day Nine: Be in Love with Your Own Life
Day Ten: Bumping into Joy
Day Eleven: The Magic of Doing Nothing
Day Twelve-Thirteen: Spread the Magic
Day Fourteen: Exasperating Joy
Day Fifteen: The Magic of Ritual
Day Sixteen: Say Yes
Day Seventeen: Looking Closer
Please join us in writing yourself closer to the magic you crave; for now, I will leave you with a poem I shared earlier in the challenge. Here’s hoping you bump into even more magic, joy, and inspiration when you least expect it.
One Month of Magic guidelines:
For the month of July, post a daily prompt to inspire magical thinking.
Read and respond to the prompt by writing for seven, seventeen, or seventy-seven minutes—whatever you like—exploring what it stirs inside you. That’s it. It’s easy and breezy and designed to make you consider things deeper and search for sparkle.
After you write, post your response in the comments section of that day's post (only available to paid subscribers). Offer feedback to at least two people. Celebrate and clarify what is magical about one another’s work. How it deepened your own awareness and awe.
Posts will NOT be emailed—don’t want to spam people—but they will be posted on chat. So, if you want a daily magical ping, turn the chat feature and notifications on. You can find how in your settings.